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There may be occasions when a child is not so ill as to require medical care but nevertheless day care would be unsuitable.

If a child arrives at the setting and  the senior worker on duty does not consider him/her well enough to attend, the parent/carers will be advised accordingly. We will make every effort to stop the spread of infection within the setting but can only do this with the co-operation of parent/carers. Here is a list of the most common childhood ailments that are infectious and we have included the recommended exclusion period:

  • Coughs, colds and sore throats – we appreciate that children often pick up cold viruses  without being ill and accept they do not need to stay away from the setting, however, if they have a raised temperature, continued cough, or are unable to  eat, then exclusion will be necessary.

  • Any child with sickness or diarrhoea must be kept away from the setting for at least 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and / or diarrhoea. 

  • Temperatures – any child with a raised temperature, even if not accompanied by any other symptoms, should be kept away.


We aim to challenge discrimination in all areas of the club's activities. We recognise that certain groups and individuals in our society are discriminated against because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexuality, age, physical, sensory or mental impairment. Accordingly, we are strongly committed to positive action to remove and/or counter discrimination in all aspects of our work with children, families and others. 

Equal opportunities will be considered in all aspects of the service that the club provides. Language or behaviour designed to be offensive to any of the groups outlined in our statement is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Staff, parents/ carers and children should fully understand the principle and operation of our Equal opportunities policy and we should all take responsibility for its overall effectiveness. 


Our setting considers the welfare of the child is paramount and it is the duty of members, staff and volunteers under HM Government's Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 guidance to implement a Child Protection Policy. This ensures that we have in place appropriate procedures to safeguard the well-being of children and young people to protect them from abuse. This means that Henry's works in partnership with parents/ carers and other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. As a result, if concerns are raised with Henry's, they will be reported to the relevant organisation. This is a legal requirement and is in line with Government and Bristol City Council policy.

When contacting Henry’s about anything confidential, sensitive or related to safeguarding, please can you email, which is only accessed by the Henry’s Play Manager and is completely secure. For all other messages about bookings and absence etc, please continue to use the normal email addresses.


It is our policy to encourage ways of working that will create a safe and healthy environment for children, employees and all other persons who enter the premises. This applies from a quarter hour before and after the normal operating period of the club. The Playleader is responsible for making sure that matters of concern brought to her/his notice are dealt with as swiftly as possible. 

To ensure the safety of all the children and staff:

  • Incident and Accident forms must be completed and parents/ carers advised.

  • Serious incidents involving danger to others may result in your child being excluded without notice. 

  • Regular fire drills will take place. 

  • A no smoking policy will operate. 

  • Risk assessments will be regularly undertaken on the play environment. 

  • Generally we will not administer medication to children but under certain circumstances this may be possible. It is the parent/ carer's responsibility to ensure that staff are fully informed of any ongoing medical conditions. Where medication is required to be given during the day, the parent/ carer will need to complete a Medical Consent Form. If a child needs medication, please to not send them to the club without discussing this with a staff member. 

  • If a child has an existing injury, parents/carers must make staff aware of the condition.

All persons coming on to the premises have a responsibility to conduct themselves in such a manner that will ensure the health and safety of themselves and others they come into contact with. All staff are responsible for working in such a way to ensure their own safety, the safety of the children and others that they come into contact with.


The club has a First Aid kit on site. In the event of minor injuries, the Playworkers are responsible for any necessary treatment. Any accidents and/or treatment will be recorded in the Accident Book. The Accident Book will be reviewed at regular intervals.


We encourage the children to behave responsibly and to be courteous to each other and to staff. 

Discipline will be in the form of encouragement and understanding. Should more serious action be required, the child will be taken away from the situation until s/he has calmed down. We operate a strict policy of no physical punishment. 

We will not tolerate:

  • Aggressive behaviour towards other children or staff. 

  • Children leaving the site without supervision. 

  • Physical or verbal bullying. 

  • Discrimination in any form. 

  • Destruction of property. 


We are required to record all incidents that happen at the setting on Incident Forms and parents/carers will be advised as appropriate. These forms are confidential. Parents have access to their child's records. Repeated or serious incidents may result in your child being excluded without notice.


Henry’s After School Club is open to all children attending Horfield Church of England Primary School. The Club aims to be as inclusive as possible, providing after school care for all children and families who require it, subject to places being available.


Only personal information which is required for the running and use of Henry’s will be collected and held by Henry’s, and the information will only be used for this purpose.

This may include information on the child(ren) using Henry’s and their families, contact details and medical information. This information is collected at the point of registration (via ClubsBuddy) and may be updated from time to time by families.

To ensure that the information Henry’s hold is accurate and up to date, we will request a review/update from parents of the registration information annually at the commencement of each academic year. Please also refer to ClubsBuddy’s privacy policy

Our lawful basis for processing your or your child(ren)’s information under the GDPR is legal obligation and legitimate interest, as well as under contract. All personal records will be stored in a secure location to make sure that no one can get unauthorised access to them, or accidentally destroy, or lose the information.

The safety and welfare of the children will be paramount; any disclosures relating to issues of child protection will be discussed with the relevant agencies and our child protection policy will be implemented.

We may be required by an Ofsted inspector to share records about your child. Child’s health and medical details may be shared with emergency services and medical staff in the event of an accident or emergency relating to the child.

Records and information will be made available to parents/carers upon request unless subject to an exemption. If for any reason a request is going to be refused, then this decision, and an explanation, will be communicated to the requestor in writing.

Personal information will not be released to external agencies without the prior permission of parents / carers.  The exception to this is where doing so would put the child at significant risk of harm.

Personal information will not be held for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected, unless required by law.

If a data breach occurs, for example, if Henrys lose personal data, or if someone accesses it without permission, we will establish the severity of the breach and report it to the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) if required. If information about you or your child(ren) is adversely affected, we will also inform you. Parents have the right to complain to the ICO if they feel Henrys have dealt with personal information in an inappropriate manner.


Our latest risk assessment in respect of Covid-19, along with our Outbreak Plan, are attached. These are still active but are not currently in use.

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